Facebook Messenger

A connector for Facebook Messenger.


This connector requires access token for your Facebook page.

Follow the steps to get access token :

  • Create a Facebook page for your bot

  • Visit https://developers.facebook.com

  • Create a new app

  • Once the app is created, go to app’s Settings, and under PRODUCTS, click Add Product. Select Messenger, and choose to Set up the messenger product.

  • Generate a page-access-token for the page you created to start using Facebook APIs

  • Create a webhook pointing to http(s)://your-bot-url.com:port/connector/facebook

  • Subscribe to all events for the webhook except for message_echoes to avoid an error like {"error":{"message":"(#100) No matching user found","type":"OAuthException"...

  • Randomly generate a verify-token and add that to the webhook


    # required
    verify-token: aabbccddee
    page-access-token: aabbccddee112233445566
    # optional
    bot-name: "mybot" # default "opsdroid"