Rasa NLU

Configuring opsdroid

In order to enable Rasa NLU skills, you can tell opsdroid where to find your Rasa NLU instance in the parsers section of the opsdroid configuration file. You can set the url parameter, which defaults to http://localhost:5000.

Rasa NLU gives you the option to set a password or token which must be provided when interacting with the API. You can optionally set this in the parser config too.

You can also set a min-score option to tell opsdroid to ignore any matches which score less than a given number between 0 and 1. The default for this is 0 which will match all messages.

models-path is used to load the model in Rasa. It defaults to models. If your Rasa instance writes trained models somewhere else, you can set this option to whatever path you need.

train is used to make opsdroid train your model on each start. Setting this configuration flag to False allows you to use a previously trained model.

    url: http://localhost:5000
    models-path: models
    token: 85769fjoso084jd
    min-score: 0.8
    train: True

Rasa NLU is an open source tool for running your own NLP API for matching strings to intents. This is the recommended parser if you have privacy concerns but want the power of a full NLU parsing engine.

Rasa NLU is also trained via the API and so opsdroid can do the training for you if you provide an intents YAML file along with your skill. This file must contain intents with headers in the format - intent: <intent name> followed by a list of example phrases for that intent. Rasa NLU will then use those examples to build a statistical model for matching new and unseen variations on those sentences.

Note - Rasa version >= 2.x.x is supported.


Rasa NLU requires 4GB of memory, 2GB for training models and 2GB for serving requests. If you do not provide enough it will hang and cause timeouts in opsdroid.


Return Rasa NLU intent match decorator.

Decorator that calls a function on specific Rasa NLU intents.


intent (str) – Rasa NLU intent name


Decorated Function

For developing or testing purposes you can run Rasa manually inside a container using:

docker run \
    --rm -ti \
    -p 5000:5005 \
    --name rasa \
    rasa/rasa:2.6.2-full \
    run --enable-api --auth-token 85769fjoso084jd -vv

Example 1

Skill file (__init__.py).

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_rasanlu

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def hello(self, message):
        """Replies to user when any 'greetings'
        intent is returned by Rasa NLU
        await message.respond("Hello there!")

    async def bye(self, message):
        """Replies to user when any 'greetings'
        intent is returned by Rasa NLU
        await message.respond("See ya!")

Intents file (intents.yml).

version: "2.0"

- intent: greetings
  examples: |
    - Hey
    - Hello
    - Hi
    - Hiya
    - hey
    - whats up
    - wazzup
    - heya
- intent: bye
  examples: |
    - googbye
    - bye
    - ciao
    - see you

Note - Rasa NLU requires an intent to have at least three training examples in the list. There must also be a minimum of two intents in your file for Rasa to train.

The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of 'greetings' and 'bye'.

Example 2

Skill file (__init__.py).

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_rasanlu

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def my_skill(self, message):
        """Returns a joke if asked by the user"""
        await message.respond('What do you call a bear with no teeth? -- A gummy bear!')

Intents file (intents.yml).

version: "2.0"

- intent: greetings
  examples: |
    - Hey
    - Hello
    - Hi
- intent: ask-joke
  examples: |
    - Tell me a joke
    - Say something funny
    - Do you know any jokes?
    - Tell me something funny
    - Can you tell jokes?
    - Do you know jokes?

The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of 'ask-joke'.

Message object additional parameters


An http response object which has been returned by the Rasa NLU API. This allows you to access any information from the matched intent including other entities, intents, values, etc.

Example Skill

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_rasanlu

import json

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def dumpResponse(self, message):

Return Value on “I am looking for a Mexican restaurant in the center of town”

The example skill will print the following .

  "intent": "search_restaurant",
  "entities": {
    "cuisine" : "Mexican",
    "location" : "center"

Using entities with roles (Rasa 3.X)


When using Rasa roles the entity name is used multiple times (for departure and for destination). To be able to provide it via message.entities Opsdroid rasanlu matcher will create a new name city with both roles departure and destination appended (with _).

So the entities will be stored in message.entities with keys city_departure and city_destination.

Intents file (intents.yml).

version: "3.1"

  - greetings
  - bye
  - travel

  - city:
    - departure
    - destination

  - intent: greetings
    examples: |
      - Hey
      - Hi
      - hey there
      - hello
  - intent: bye
    examples: |
      - googbye
      - bye
      - ciao
      - see you
  - intent: travel
    examples: |
      - I want to fly from [Berlin]{"entity": "city","role":"departure"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city","role":"destination"}
      - I want to go from [Berlin]{"entity": "city","role":"departure"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city","role":"destination"}
      - I want to travel from [Berlin]{"entity": "city","role":"departure"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city","role":"destination"}

Skill file (__init__.py).

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_rasanlu

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def hello(self, message):
        if "city_departure" in message.entities and "city_destination" in message.entities:
            source = message.entities['city_departure']['value']
            destination = message.entities['city_destination']['value']
            await message.respond("👌 Searching for routes from {} to {}".format(source, destination))
            await message.respond("😕 I couldn't understand you. Maybe try to rephrase your query.")

This skill will result the following structure in message.entities:

  • Input: I want to travel from Berlin to San Francisco

  • message.entities:

    "value": "Berlin",
    "confidence": 0.9992508292198181
    "value": "San Francisco",
    "confidence": 0.9521082639694214