api.ai Parser

api.ai is an NLP API for matching strings to intents or actions. Intents are created on the api.ai website.

Example 1

from opsdroid.matchers import match_apiai_action

async def mySkill(opsdroid, config, message):
    await message.respond('An appropriate response!')

The above skill would be called on any intent which has an action of 'mydomain.myaction'.

Example 2

from opsdroid.matchers import match_apiai_intent

async def mySkill(opsdroid, config, message):
    await message.respond('An appropriate response!')

The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of 'myIntent'.

Creating an api.ai bot

You can find a quick getting started with api.ai guide here.

Configuring opsdroid

In order to enable api.ai skills you must specify an access-key for your bot (referred to as an agent in api.ai) in the parsers section of the opsdroid configuration file. You can find this access-key in your agent settings. Currently you may only register one agent per opsdroid instance to avoid making multiple API calls for every message.

You can also set a min-score option to tell opsdroid to ignore any matches which score less than a given number between 0 and 1. The default for this is 0 which will match all messages.

  - name: apiai
    access-token: "exampleaccesstoken123"
    min-score: 0.6

Message object additional parameters


An http response object which has been returned by the api.ai API. This allows you to access any information from the matched intent including the action, intent name, suggested speech response, context, parameters, score, error status, etc.

import json

from opsdroid.matchers import match_apiai_action

async def dumpResponse(opsdroid, config, message):

This example skill will print the following on the message "whats up?".

  "sessionId": "abc123",
  "result": {
    "parameters": {
      "simplified": "what is up"
    "metadata": {
      "contexts": [],
      "outputContexts": [],
      "inputContexts": []
    "speech": "Living the dream.",
    "action": "smalltalk.greetings",
    "resolvedQuery": "whats up?",
    "source": "domains",
    "score": 1.0
  "timestamp": "2016-12-19T12:10:20.462Z",
  "id": "9835915f-72a8-4292-8365-3067b9af0a80",
  "status": {
    "errorType": "success",
    "code": 200