Getting started


You can simply install opsdroid using pip.

pip3 install opsdroid

Or you can use the official docker image.

docker pull opsdroid/opsdroid:latest


For configuration you simply need to create a single YAML file named configuration.yaml. When you run opsdroid it will look for the file in the following places in order:

  • ./configuration.yaml
  • ~/.opsdroid/configuration.yaml
  • /etc/opsdroid/configuration.yaml

The opsdroid project itself is very simple and requires modules to give it functionality. In your configuration file you must specify the connector, skill and database* modules you wish to use and any options they may require.

Connectors are modules for connecting opsdroid to your specific chat service. Skills are modules which define what actions opsdroid should perform based on different chat messages. Database modules connect opsdroid to your chosen database and allows skills to store information between messages.

For example a simple barebones configuration would look like:

  - name: shell

  - name: hello

This tells opsdroid to use the shell connector and hello skill from the official module library.

In opsdroid all modules are git repositories which will be cloned locally the first time they are used. By default if you do not specify a repository opsdroid will look at<moduletype>-<modulename>.git for the repository. Therefore in the above configuration the connector-shell and skill-hello repositories were pulled from the opsdroid organisation on GitHub.

You are of course encouraged to write your own modules and make them available on GitHub or any other repository host which is accessible by your opsdroid installation.

A more advanced config would like similar to the following:

  - name: slack
    token: "mysecretslacktoken"

  - name: mongo
    host: ""
    port: "27017"
    database: "opsdroid"

  - name: hello
  - name: seen
  - name: myawesomeskill
    repo: ""

In this configuration we are using the slack connector with a slack auth token supplied, a mongo database connection for persisting data, hello and seen skills from the official repos and finally a custom skill hosted on GitHub.

Configuration options such as the token in the slack connector or the host, port and database options in the mongo database are specific to those modules. Ensure you check each module's required configuration items before you use them.


If you installed opsdroid using pip and have created your configuration.yaml file in the correct place you can simple start it by running:


If you are using the opsdroid docker image then ensure you add your configuration as a volume and run the container.

docker run --rm -v /path/to/configuration.yaml:/etc/configuration.yaml:ro opsdroid/opsdroid:latest

* databases are optional, however bot memory will not persist between different connectors or system reboots without one