# Contributing Contributing to the opsdroid ecosystem is strongly encouraged and every little bit counts! We even send [sticker packs](https://medium.com/opsdroid/contributor-sticker-packs-738058ceda59) to our contributors to say thank you! There are so many ways to contribute to opsdroid: - Write code to [solve issues](https://github.com/opsdroid/opsdroid/issues) in the opsdroid core repository - Improve the [documentation](https://github.com/opsdroid/opsdroid/tree/master/docs) to help others get started - Write [skills](https://docs.opsdroid.dev/en/stable/connectors/custom.html), [connectors](http://opsdroid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extending/connectors/) or [database](https://docs.opsdroid.dev/en/stable/databases/custom.html/) modules - Contribute to the [opsdroid home page](https://github.com/opsdroid/opsdroid.github.io) (it’s a Jekyll website) - Post about your experience using opsdroid on your own blog - Contribute to [opsdroid audio](https://github.com/opsdroid/opsdroid-audio) (Python voice client for opsdroid) - Submit lots of useful issues (5–10 good ones is probably sticker worthy) - Create [logo variations and banners](https://github.com/opsdroid/style-guidelines) for promotion - Contribute to [opsdroid desktop](https://github.com/opsdroid/opsdroid-desktop) (electron and react app) - Promote opsdroid in a meaningful way Check out the following guides for specific contribution suggestions. ```eval_rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 workflow issues documentation localization new_modules testing ``` *If you need help or if you are unsure about something join our* [matrix channel](https://app.element.io/#/room/#opsdroid-general:matrix.org) *and ask away! We are more than happy to help you.* ## Credits ### Contributors Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to opsdroid! ### Backers Thank you to all our backers! [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/opsdroid#backer)] ### Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors! (please ask your company to also support this open source project by [becoming a sponsor](https://opencollective.com/opsdroid#sponsor))