# Creating New Modules Opsdroid is an open source chatbot framework. It is designed to be extendable, scalable and simple. It comes with a few official modules that can be found in the [Opsdroid GitHub account](https://github.com/opsdroid). If you love a particular platform and wish to use opsdroid with it or if you want opsdroid to interact with something in a certain way, you can create your own modules and extend the functionality of opsdroid. If you don't know where to start, make sure to check the overview and read the [documentation](http://opsdroid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest). Remember that you can also ask for help in our [matrix channel](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#opsdroid-general:matrix.org) ## Creating Consistent Logging Messages When creating log messages, we would like to see a consistency around how to structure and utilize them. * In general any copyright/legal name should be Capitalized (i.e. Slack, Telegram) * All usage of the opsdroid capabilities should be Capitalized (Connector, Skill, Database and Parsers) * All sentances should end with a period. * When inserting specific text from an error message, end the sentance with a period.