
A connector for Slack.

⚠️ Breaking Changes introduced in opsdroid 0.22.0

We have dropped support for the RTM API. Now the Slack Connector supports the events API and Socket Mode from new apps

Migrating away from RTM

  • Follow Requirements and Configuration steps and choose the Socket Mode Backend.


  • A Slack account

  • Create a new Slack App give it a name and select the workspace you would like it in.

  • Select “Bots” option inside the “Add features and functionality” tab

  • Click “Review Scopes to Add”. “Under Scopes” –> “Bot Token Scopes select” users:read and chat:write or chat:write.customize (Note that you are required to select at least one scope to install the app)

  • Navigate to “OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs” and click the “Install to Workspace” button.

  • Take note of the “Bot User OAuth Access Token” as this will be the bot-token you need for your configuration (the bot-token will start with xoxb-).


    # required
    bot-token: "xoxb-abdcefghi-12345"

    # Optional

    # when socket-mode is true, you need to set also an `app-token`
    # more info:
    socket-mode: true # defaul true.
    # socket-mode needs to be set to true to use app-token
    app-token: "xapp-abdcfkje-12345"

    # In order for bot-name and/or icon-emoji to work, the `chat:write.customize`
    # scope will have to be selected
    bot-name: "mybot" # default "opsdroid"
    icon-emoji: ":smile:" # default ":robot_face:"

    default-room: "#random" # default "#general"

    # If set to true opsdroid will start a thread when replying to a message
    start-thread: false # default false

    # Used to retrieve the conversations details from Slack API
    # refresh-interval: how often the connector will refresh the channels
    refresh-interval: 600 # default 600
    # channel-limit: Maximum channels to return on a single iteration.
    # if your instance has >1000 channels, consider raising this
    # (
    channel-limit: 100 # default 100. ***

Choose the Backend API

You need to choose between two backends. The Events API or Socket Mode.

If you are unsure which one is the best for you, Slack Faq provide differences between those two.


You should follow the instructions for the Event API first when configuring your slack connector, even if you are planning on using slack in Socket Mode.

Events API

  • Make sure to set socket-mode to false in your Opsdroid configuration.

  • You will need an endpoint which exposes your Opsdroid to the internet. Exposing Opsdroid via tunnels might help out.

  • Go to your Slack App

  • On the left column go to “Socket Mode” and make sure the “Enable Socket Mode” toggle is set to disabled.

  • On the left column go to “Event Subscriptions” and set the “Enable Events” toggle to enabled.

  • Under “Request URL” add the /connector/slack uri to your endpoint: Note that you will have to have your Opsdroid instance running so Slack can verify the endpoint.

Socket Mode

Mode. The reason for this is that the Request URL verification step is needed and is only available via the Events API.

  • Go to your Slack App

  • On the left column go to “Socket Mode” and set the “Enable Socket Mode” toggle to enabled.

  • Make sure to set socket-mode to true in your Opsdroid configuration.

  • Copy your new token add add it to your Opsdroid configuration file as your app-token. (the app-token will start with xapp-abcdef-1233)

Subscribe to events

You will need to subscribe to events in your new Slack App, so Opsdroid can receive those events. You need to subscribe to events regardless of the backend: Socket Mode or Events API

  • Under “Subscribe to bot events” choose the events you want to subscribe for. You need at least one, message.channels will allow you to receive events everytime a message is posted into a channel. The following events are also supported by opsdroid:, channel_archive, channel_unarchive, channel_created, channel_rename, pin_added, pin_removed and team_join.

  • Don’t forget to save your changes in the slack app.


The connector itself won’t allow opsdroid to do much. It will connect to Slack and be active on the default-room but you will still need some skill to have opsdroid react to an input.

Luckily, opsdroid comes with few skills out of the box as well. So once you run opsdroid you will see that it joined either the room that you set up on default-room parameter in the configuration or it will be in the #general room.

Note: If opsdroid failed to join the room you can always invite him by clicking “Channel Details” -> “Add Apps”

You can also interact with opsdroid through direct message (make sure to be subscribed to the event). To do so, just click on opsdroid’s name and type interact like with any other user

Below is an example of a simple skill you can use to create your opsdroid. Checkout Skill for more info

Basic Skill Example

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex

class GreeterSkill(Skill):
    """This is the most simple form of a skill, keeping it for pinging purposes"""

    @match_regex(r"Hi Opsdroid")
    async def hello(self, message):
        """Respond Hi"""
        await message.respond("Hi")

Get Messages from History

Sometimes you need to search through the history of a channel. For this you can use the search_history_messages method from the slack connector which returns all the messages on a specified range of time.

… py:function:: search_history_messages(self, channel, start_time, end_time, limit=100)




Search for messages in a conversation given the intial and end timestamp.

type channel:
param channel:

channel id

type start_time:
param start_time:

epoch timestamp with micro seconds when to start the search

type end_time:
param end_time:

epoch timestime with micro seconds when to end the search

type limit:
param limit:

Find channel by name

Sometimes you need to find the channel details (ie: id, purpose). For this you can use the find_channel method from the slack connector which returns the details of the channel

… py:function:: find_channel(self, channel_name)




Given a channel name return the channel properties.

type channel_name:
param channel_name:

the name of the channel. ie: general


dict with channel details

Basic Usage Example in a Skill:

… code-block:: python

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex

class SearchMessagesSkill(Skill):
    @match_regex(r"find channel")
    async def find_channel(self, message):

        slack = self.opsdroid.get_connector("slack")
        channel = await slack.find_channel(channel_name="general")
        await message.respond(str(channel))

Rich layouts and blocks

Slack has support for rich layouts using a concept they call blocks. Blocks are JSON objects which describe a rich element, and a list of them can be passed instead of a message to produce rich content.

To do this you need to respond with an event which is constructed with a list of blocks.

Send Block

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex
from import Blocks

class BlocksSkill(Skill):

    @match_regex(r"who are you\?")
    async def who_are_you(self, event):
        await event.respond(Blocks([
                    "type": "section",
                    "text": {
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": "Hey! I'm opsdroid.\nI'm a natural language event driven automation bot framework.\n*What a mouthful!*"
                    "accessory": {
                        "type": "image",
                        "image_url": "",
                        "alt_text": "opsdroid logo"
                    "type": "actions",
                    "elements": [
                            "type": "button",
                            "text": {
                                "type": "plain_text",
                                "text": "Visit website",
                                "emoji": True
                            "url": ""

Edit an existing Block

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex
from import EditedBlocks

class UpdateBlocksSkill(Skill):

    @match_regex(r"edit block with ts 1605646357.261200")
    async def who_are_you(self, event):
    	# linked_event == the timestamp of the block to edit
    	# target == channel id
	blocks = ["the blocks datastructure"]
        await self.opsdroid.send(EditedBlocks(blocks, linked_event=1605646357.261200, target="channel_id"))

Slash Commands

Slash Commands allow users to invoke opsdroid by typing a string into the message composer box.

Configure Slack App for Slash Commands

  • Open your app’s management dashboard

  • Click on Slash Commands in the sidebar.

  • Click the Create New Command button

  • If you are using the events API, save the HTTPS URL of your bot’s slack connector entpoint (/connector/slack).

    • Example:

Slash Command

… py:function:: SlashCommand(payload, *args, **kwargs)


Event class to represent a slash command.

type payload:
param payload:

Incomming payload from the Slack API

Basic Usage in a Skill:

… code-block:: python

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event

class CommandsSkill(Skill):
    @match_event(SlashCommand, command="/testcommand")
    async def slash_command(self, event):

        cmd = event.payload["command"]

        # event.payload["text"] holds the arguments from the command
        arguments = event.payload["text"]

        await message.respond(f"{cmd} {arguments}")


Modals provide focused spaces ideal for requesting and collecting data from users, or temporarily displaying dynamic and interactive information.

Interactive Actions

Slack apps can use interactive features to achieve much more than just one-way communication. Apps can implement a number of interaction entry points that allow users to intentionally invoke a response from the app.

When one of those entry points is triggered, a new aspect is introduced to the interaction transaction — the interaction payload. This payload is a bundle of information that explains the context of the user action, giving the app enough to construct a coherent response.

For example, when you click a button in a rich Slack message or use a message action (a todo list app may have an “add to list” action that can be performed on any message) Slack will send an event to a separate webhook endpoint.

Configure Slack App for Interactive Events

  • Open your app’s management dashboard

  • Click on Interactive Components in the sidebar.

  • Toggle the Interactivity switch on.

  • Save the HTTPS URL of your bot’s slack interactivity endpoint (/connector/slack).

    • Example:


from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import BlockActions

class InteractionsSkill(Skill):

    @match_event(BlockActions, value="click_me_123")
    async def slack_interactions(self, event):
        await event.respond("Block Actions interactivity has been triggered.")


from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import MessageAction

class InteractionsSkill(Skill):

    async def slack_interactions(self, event):
        await event.respond("Message Action interactivity has been triggered.")


from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import ViewSubmission

class InteractionsSkill(Skill):

    async def slack_interactions(self, event):
        await self.opsdroid.send(Message("View Submission interactivity has been triggered."))


from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import ViewClosed

class InteractionsSkill(Skill):

    async def slack_interactions(self, event):
        await self.opsdroid.send(Message("View Closed interactivity has been triggered."))

Matching events in Interactive Actions

In the block_actions example above, you can also match on action_id and/or block_id in addition to value for match_event like any of these:

    @match_event(BlockActions, action_id="text1234")
    @match_event(BlockActions, action_id="text1234", value="click_me_123")
    @match_event(BlockActions, block_id="section678")
    @match_event(BlockActions, block_id="section678", value="click_me_123")
    @match_event(BlockActions, block_id="section678", action_id="text1234", value="click_me_123")