# Wit.ai ## Configuring opsdroid In order to enable wit.ai skills, you must specify an `token` for your bot in the parsers section of the opsdroid configuration file. You can find this `token` in the settings of your App under the name: `'Server Access Token: '`. You can also set a `min-score` option to tell opsdroid to ignore any matches which score less than a given number between 0 and 1. The default for this is 0 which will match all messages. ```yaml parsers: witai: token: XJF475SKGITJ98KHFO min-score: 0.6 ``` [wit.ai](https://wit.ai) is an NLP API for matching strings to [intents](https://wit.ai/docs/recipes#categorize-the-user-intent). Intents are created on the wit.ai website. ```{autofunction} opsdroid.matchers.match_witai ``` (weatherexample1)= ## [Example 1] ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_witai class MySkill(Skill): @match_witai('get_weather') async def weather(self, message): """Hard Coded version of weather function""" temp = 10 humidity = "80%" city = message.witai['entities']['location'][0]['value'] status = "Clouds" await message.respond("It's currently {} degrees, {}% humidity in {} and {} is forecasted " "for today".format(temp, humidity, city, status)) ``` The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of `'get_weather'`. ### Usage example > user: what's the weather like in London > > opsdroid: It's currently 13.12 degrees, 67% humidity in London and Rain is forecasted for today ## Creating a wit.ai App You need to register on wit.ai and create an App in order to use wit.ai with opsdroid. You can find a quick getting started with the wit.ai guide [here](https://wit.ai/getting-started). If you want to use wit.ai in a different language other than English, all you need to do is change the language of your app located in the app settings. ## Message object additional parameters ### `message.witai` An http response object which has been returned by the wit.ai API. This allows you to access any information from the matched intent including other entities, intents, values, etc. ## Example Skill ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_witai import json class MySkill(Skill): @match_witai('get_weather') async def dumpResponse(self, message): print(json.dumps(message.witai)) ``` ### Return Value on "How's the weather?" The example skill will print the following on the message "how's the weather?". ```json { "msg_id": "0zTl3L16kFW4PwtSt", "_text": "how's the weather", "entities": { "intent": [ { "confidence": 0.77586417870417, "value": "get_weather" } ] } } ``` ## Return Value on "What's the weather like in London?" The example skill will print the following on the message "What's the weather like in London?". ```json { "msg_id": "0zrCQ5LEkWd0MoHYM", "_text": "What's the weather like in London?", "entities": { "location": [ { "suggested": true, "confidence": 0.74044071131585, "value": "London", "type": "value" } ], "intent": [ { "confidence": 0.99979499373014, "value": "get_weather" } ] } } ``` Since Wit.ai can recognise locations, you can use this values on your skills to return different things. On our weather skill([example 1](#weatherexample1)) we changed the city param to get the temperature related to any city passed on the message.