# Events Events in opsdroid represent things that happen on the services that opsdroid connects to. They are both sent and received by the connectors. All events are a subclass of the base `Event` class. Each event also defines its own set of attributes which are specific to that type of event. ## `Event` The base `Event` class has the following attributes and methods. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Event :members: ``` Note: For the sake of flexibility, Opsdroid only supports a single user on any given event. If you use Slack's (or any other chat platforms supported by Opsdroid that have the possibility of a single event corresponding to multiple users) API call to invite users to a channel, the API call takes a list of users as the input. In that case, you need to create multiple 'single-user' events instead of trying to create one 'multi-user' event. If concerned about the performance, the Skill can call the API directly rather than emitting multiple events. ## `OpsdroidStarted` The `OpsdroidStarted` event is triggered once Opsdroid's loader has completed. Skills can respond to this in order to perform startup actions which require connectors, databases, etc. to be available first. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.OpsdroidStarted :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `Message` The `Message` object is the most common event type, it represents textual events, and has the following attributes in addition to the base `Event` attributes. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Message :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `Typing` An event to represent a typing indication. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Typing :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `Reaction` A reaction to a message, normally an emoji or a string representing one. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Reaction :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `File` A file event. All files should be representable as bytes. A `File` can be constructed using either a url or a `bytes` object, if a url is specified the `File.file_bytes` property will retrieve the url and store the response as `bytes`. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.File :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `Image` The `Image` event is a subclass of `File`, so in the same way `File` can an `Image` can be either a url or bytes, but should always be representable as `bytes`. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Image :members: :inherited-members: ``` ## `Video` The `Video` event is a subclass of `File`, so in the same way `File` can an `Video` can be either a url or bytes, but should always be representable as `bytes`. ```{autoclass} opsdroid.events.Video :members: :inherited-members: ```